waiting for your suggestions, i really would like to ear from you a suggestion of a video in line with Grace Jones video. strange but with a face keeping on changing.
hope you liked it.
c u soon
retina says bye with the promess of coming back soon (a lot of stuff ready to come out). leave your comments and suggestions in the comment box. if you prefer you can send a email to retina's email box blogretina@gmail.com
C U soon
hope you enjoy it

the main idea of this blog is to share beauty. specially beauty associated ith music. this justifies the fact that, primarily, I put at your disposal music videos of songs that can stimulate my retina, the neurons and my “critical” sensitivity, normally under a thematic subject. but other surprises can appear ... as long as it “teases” (de)constructively the senses ...
but most of all… this is not a pretentious blog!
to finish I just want to remind you that you can find previous posts on the portuguese page (for that click on the Portuguese flag and after enter the page search on the side bar the archive (gravado na retina).
and now… the first video… because retina it’s working!!!
1 - MGMT - "It's Working"
hope to ear from you.
see you soon